November Community Gathering
November 5, 2020 7:00 pm | Facebook Live -
Second Presbyterian Church, North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
We long to see your faces and feel the very real pain of separation during this difficult time. IGB leadership is working hard to provide a variety of ways to stay connected but even so, it seems very strange not to be in community at our meetings, weekends and monthly Gatherings.
As part of our efforts to provide support and encouragement, we have assembled a panel of 6 members of the IGB community to share their thoughts on the issue of racism in our world. Through the Christian lens, they will share their own experiences, how they see God working around them, what the Great Banquet experience has to alter their views, and provide us with a word of hope and encouragement as we look to the future.
In lieu of our regular Gathering, please join us for this special session of learning and inspiration on Facebook on Thursday, November 5 at 7:00 pm.
Thank you for your constancy, your prayers and your continued commitment to the work and mission of the Indianapolis Great Banquet. Grace and peace.